After a 2 decade hiatus, I finally did something I'd been wanting to do since my maiden voyage at age 18. I got inked- again! This is a repeat victory for someone who used to agonize over blood tests. I had to get a lot of them when I was 17, as I was on medication that required periodic blood tests, particularly for Lithobid, which I am no longer on. I was also hospitalized over 20 times (I stopped counting after 20), and blood draws are a part of the experience. I had wanted a tattoo since I was 12. I used to get the stick on ones from Claire's. I saw a little butterfly on the sheet of stick ons, and I knew once I was of age (18 was legal for tattoos back in 1997) I would be getting a tattoo. Being stuck like a pig definitely helped me prepare! My dad would've been against it, but he had passed in 1994 (23 years ago today). My mom was cool with it-I got the second child privilege. By contrast my older sister couldn't date or get her ears pierced until she was ...
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