The light spectrum ranging from Ultraviolet (invisible to the naked eye) to visible to Infared (also invisible to the naked eye). Google Image Search I'm going to go out on a limb here. This "What's your superpower?" question has become quite popular. "What superpower do you wish you had?" One response by some autistic adults has been "Autism is my superpower." I cringe, because I, being autistic, see my autism as anything but. I am disgusted by how there is little tolerance for a middle ground or common sense these days. I suppose if you went to college, are gainfully employed, don't have SPD so severe you can't go out into public without help, are married and even have kids, you will view your autism through mostly rose colored glasses. I say mostly, because I DON'T want to undermine the fact you do struggle to do what non-autistic people do with less or no effort each day. If you drive, own a home, have friends, lov...
Love Funko Pops? Follow the cute, humorous and adorable adventures of the Funkonovo family! Periodically, I will still post autism related content and original photography.