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Showing posts from July, 2019

‘People like me don’t get support’: Autistic adults’ experiences of support and treatment for mental health difficulties, self-injury and suicidality - Louise Camm-Crosbie, Louise Bradley, Rebecca Shaw, Simon Baron-Cohen, Sarah Cassidy, 2019

The following is a reblog. I verify that this is not my work, but that of the people listed in blue below. ‘People like me don’t get support’: Autistic adults’ experiences of support and treatment for mental health difficulties, self-injury and suicidality - Louise Camm-Crosbie, Louise Bradley, Rebecca Shaw, Simon Baron-Cohen, Sarah Cassidy, 2019 : Autistic people are at high risk of mental health problems, self-injury and suicidality. However, no studies have explored autistic peoples’ experiences of trea...

Autism and the unpredictability of animals

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again. Is it insane to try a different approach (such as taking a different route to work to save time)? I've tried in various ways over the last four years to fully bond with the rescue kitten we adopted. Lily was not ready to be adopted at 2 months old. My aunt, who is a shelter volunteer, was happy to hear of Lily's adoption. " I hoped Lily would get adopted," she said. Lily had litter mates who were rough. She hid from them while at the shelter. She also had intestinal problems, leaving her with a stinky butt after pooing. That last part wasn't a deterrent. It was part of helping to raise a kitten. We were very close for about 2 months. She would groom me after her nap. I played with her, but never allowing play biting. Lily didn't need to be yelled at or sprayed with water. A firm tone of voice and consistancy worked well. She became a distant and elusive teen and early adult cat. ...