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The Onion in the Petunia Patch Part Four

I have had medical therapy for my hyper-acute hearing. I also wear passive headphones and/or earplugs as the therapy could not help me 100%. It is called Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. TRT primarily helps those suffering from Tinnitus, but also benefits those with hyperacusis (I was diagnosed at age 10, but no therapies existed to treat it).
To find God, I think He had to work all the distractions and perversions out of me. I have found the comfort and encouragement in Him that an autism support group never could have hoped to hold a candle to. All they did was cyber-bully me, parents of kids with autism because I politely disagreed with a speaker they wanted at a future meeting.
There is much more I would like to touch on, and I have on my blog, “autisticaplanet blogs”. I began blogging on Blogger back in 2009 before moving to Wordpress and back to Blogger again last fall. It has grown to include my growing interest in nature photography. I hope you will visit. I am not a “long distance” writer. I would never write a novel, I prefer the short blog post That’s why blogging works for me. Reading blogs can be challenging as I am a poor reader and retainer. I suffer migraines easily. Through audio, I have discovered the enjoyment of written works, some fiction, and non-fiction.
I hope to be able to use my love of photography and to some degree, writing to have a purpose in life. I hope to help others including the autistic community (which is fraught with tension) and be as independent as possible.
The difference between existing and living is knowing that I can survive by God’s grace and strength whatever comes along; I can do it with Christ.

Thank you for reading. If you haven't read parts 1-3, you can do so by clicking here:

Coming soon: The chapters of The Onion in the Petunia Patch. Thank you very much for reading. God bless you.

Feel free to share. If you want to publish all or part of this, please give me name credit. Autisticaplanet on Blogger is fine.

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