Photo Gallery Photography, more than writing alone, helps me to share what my mind is seeing. I see beauty in brokenness. Like an “onion in a petunia patch,” as my mother used to say, any dilapidated, odd or misplaced object has value to me. Dilapidated old barns and blown out windows convey to me that, though they weathered greatly, they are still here and will live on after their demise in my photos. I have had the privilege of sharing my photography with MAAP Services, an Indiana based autism 501(c) 3. Donating my pictures and essays to MAAP helped both MAAP and me. I have also had my photos published in the Daily Herald Newspaper and online @ Broken Light Photography Collective. "The broken window of opportunity" 2011 "Reaching Toward Heaven" 2012 "Water droplets on leaf" 2014 Next Steps 2016 "The key" 2016 "Sensory overload" 2014 "A family aff...
Love Funko Pops? Follow the cute, humorous and adorable adventures of the Funkonovo family! Periodically, I will still post autism related content and original photography.